Hearts of iron iv mods
Hearts of iron iv mods

hearts of iron iv mods

  • Huang Chengyi, Guardian of Months (值月神黃承乙).
  • Sun Rooster of Hairy Head (昴日雞), Maori Xingguan (昴日星官).
  • Water Leopard of Winnowing Basket (箕水豹).
  • Wang Shan (王善), the Keeper of Spirits (靈官).
  • Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun (太乙救苦天尊), also known as Taiyi Zhenren (太乙真人).
  • Taiyi Leisheng Yinghua Tianzun (太乙雷聲應化天尊), also known as Wen Zhong.
  • Li Jing (李靖), the Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King (托塔天王).
  • Gold Star/Metal Star (金星)/ Taibai Jinxing (太白金星).
  • Deity of the Moon (太陰星君), also known as Chang'e (嫦娥), Guanghan Fairy (廣寒仙子) or Heng'e Fairy (姮娥仙子).
  • Metal Lord of the West (西方太白金德真君), also known as Taibai Jinxing (太白金星).
  • Gao Jue (高覺), also known as Wind Following Ear (順風耳).
  • Gao Ming (高明), also known as Thousand Li Eye (千里眼).
  • Yellow Horn Immortal of the Central (中央黃極黃角大仙).
  • Xuanling Doumu Yuanjun of the North (北方北極玄靈鬥姆元君).
  • Taixuan Huojing Chiling Zunshen (太玄火精赤靈尊神).
  • Taixuan Shuijing Heiling Zunshen (太玄水精黑靈尊神).
  • Xuan Wu (玄武), also known as Zhenwu Great Emperor (真武大帝).
  • Daode Tianzun (道德天尊), also known as Taishang Laojun (太上老君).
  • Lingbao Tianzun (靈寶天尊), also known as Taishang Daojun (太上道君).
  • The Eight Wisdom Kings (八大金剛), appearing as a group, with individual members.
  • hearts of iron iv mods

  • The Twenty-Four Protective Deities (二十四諸天), appearing as a group, with most individual members unnamed except for:.
  • Ratnadhvaja (寶幢光王佛), might be based on Amitābha.
  • Master Puti (菩提祖師), might be based on Subhuti.
  • Pilanpo Bodhisattva (毗藍婆菩薩), might be based on Ākāśagarbha.
  • Lingji Bodhisattva (靈吉菩薩), might be based on Mahasthamaprapta.
  • Maitreya (彌勒佛), as his most well-known incarnation, Budai (布袋和尚) in the novel.
  • Avalokiteśvara (觀世音菩薩), better known as Guanyin Bodhisattva (觀音菩薩) or simply Guanyin (觀音) in the novel.

  • Hearts of iron iv mods